On January 1, 2023, we are doing something special called Church at Home instead of regular services! You will gather with your family + friends and have church at your house on New Year's Day!
Keep scrolling for the How-To Devotional Guide that will take you step by step through how to make the most of Church at Home!
Getting Ready for Church at Home
Welcome to the Church at Home How-To Devotional Guide!
Congratulations on deciding to guide your family or friends as you have “Church at Home” in your house on New Year’s Day! We believe God will move in a significant way in your living room. Make plans now with your family, friends, or small group to gather together for Church at Home!
Check out this coaching video with tips and insights from Pastor Daniel Stephens!
If you want to stay connected and get Mid-Cities Monthly and Mid-Cities Special communication, send us an email and let us know!
1) Start Church at Home with Prayer
Leader Notes:
Start “Church at Home” off with prayer! In faith, ask God to move in your minds and hearts in powerful ways. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide your time together and to bring freedom and truth to every person there.
2) Read Scripture
Read This Scripture Out Loud:
Romans 12:1-2 ESV
1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. 2 Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Leader Notes:
If there is someone who you know would be confident reading the Scripture out loud, feel free to ask them to do so. If not, you can read the Scripture yourself.
Kids' Optional Activity:
Stay tuned for a Kid's Romans 12:1-2 Coloring Page you can print and give to them as an activity!
3) Watch This Video
4) Observation Discussion
Say Something Like This:
Romans 12 talks about how the “world” tries to conform or shape us to look more like it and act more worldly. And Pastor Steve shared the timeless truth that "the things we do, do things to us."
Ask Your Group These Questions:
1) So what are some of the things people in the world do on a daily or weekly basis?
2) How do those things affect or shape people?
3) What things are you doing now on a daily or weekly basis? How are those things shaping and forming you?
[Optional Exercise Instead of Question 3]
Have everyone grab a piece of paper to write on and ask them to write two headers: “Conforming to the World” and “Transforming Into The Image Of Christ.”
➜ Then Say Something Like This:
Write down the things you do daily or weekly under one of the columns. What do you think about the results? How are these things that you do forming or shaping you?
Leader Notes:
Encourage people to share their thoughts on at least one question per section with the group as time allows.
[Optional: Watch This Video]
Kids' Optional Activity:
Stay tuned for a Kid's Habits Activity Page you can print and give to them as an activity!
5) Application Discussion
Say Something Like This:
Let’s apply this to our own lives! Habits are a powerful tool. They are the things we do that do things to us and shape us.
When we take on the world’s habits, we look more like the world. When we take on God’s habits, we look more like Jesus and experience more of God’s perfect will for our lives.
Ask Your Group These Questions:
1) What would you like to see God do in your life this year?
2) What is one spiritual habit you can establish in 2023 to make space in your life for God to shape you to be more like Christ? (Check the list below + "Tools + Resources" list at the end)
3) Let’s make a plan! How will this habit fit into your daily or weekly schedule?
Spiritual Habit Ideas
• Praying Once a Day
• Reading Your Bible Once a Day
• Studying Your Bible Once a Day
• Fasting Once A Week (Food, Media, Etc.)
• Take Communion With Family or Small Group Once a Week
• Reciting + Memorizing a Scripture Once a Month
• Reciting + Memorizing a Hymn or Creed (Apostle’s or Nicene) Once a Month
Leader Notes:
Encourage everyone in your group to choose one spiritual habit to establish this year. If someone is apprehensive, encourage them that this habit will make room for God to transform them, impact their lives, and increase their impact on others!
6) End with Worship + Prayer Moment
Leader Notes:
End your time together by worshipping and praying for one another. Please, refer to Pastor Daniel's Coaching video for direction and ideas. There is a playlist below and a link to Mid-Cities Worship music.
Ask people to share their answers to this question, “What’s one thing that might distract you or keep you from starting a spiritual habit this year?” Then pray for God to move powerfully in their lives and to give them grace and strength.
Here are a couple of ways you can do that, depending on your group size:
➜ 4-5 People Or Fewer: Go around in a circle and ask people to answer the question. Then have the person to their right pray for them.
➜ 5+ People: Break into smaller groups of 2-3 and do the same thing.
Once everyone has been prayed for, end your time together with a final prayer.
Some Things to Remind People Before They Go:
➜ Week of Prayer + Fasting starts next week! If you don’t have your guide, grab one at church on January 8 or at everynation.org/fasting
➜ Let them know about some tools + resources we recommend below to help them grow in a spiritual habit this year!
Tools + Resources
Sunday Worship Playlist
Or click here to open the playlist in your Spotify app! You can click here for a Kid's Elementary Youtube Worship Playlist.
Tools + Resources for Building Spiritual Habits
• Week of Prayer + Fasting - Devotional Guide, Family Guide, Videos, + Music Playlist
• Mid-Cities Worship - Music + Music Videos
• RightNow Media - Streaming Library of Adult Bible Study + Kids Videos
• BibleProject - Bible Explainer Videos, Podcasts, + More Educational Resources
• YouVersion Bible App - Reading Plans, Verse of The Day, Videos, + More
• The Bible Recap - One Year Bible Guide + Podcast